As it only being day two of 2023, I have to say, today went better than yesterday. I still took a nap – though only a two hours nap instead of a three hours. Better than yesterday – improvement in my books…maybe.
I planned on waking up before my shift today and getting a few things done. That did not happen, I woke up; stared at my phone in bed and waited until the last second to get up. Then rushed around before my shift to get there on time. The same old, same old. Ew. Needing lots of improvement in that area. Once I am awake I need to get out of bed right now. Along with not hitting snooze a bunch. It’s a real problem that’s for sure.
Even though I worked 9am-240pm and took a two hour nap, I still managed to get a few things done today. Items on my to do list that I have been putting off. I finished my Passport Application, very exciting. Been working on getting that done for over a month now. Mainly I have just been putting it off due to not having the funds to afford it. Main reason for the Shopping Ban of 2023.
Another item I am able to check off my to do list is doing my Christmas shopping returns. I had returns for Chapters & Winners. Ended up needing to go to the further location due to the nap I took. Still got both locations done, yay!! Though, the best part of the returns is that I did not purchase anything while doing the returns. This is a BIG win in the books for me!
On top of getting those two items checked off my to do list, I went to an ATM and deposited some cash into my bank account. Needed this done due to bills in the coming days. I seem to keep forgetting to do this while out. Then bam I am home and do not want to go out again. Therefore, today I was able to check three items off my personal to do list – woohoo!
It’s going to be a long day tomorrow, working both jobs. Working in the morning at 830 until sometime in the afternoon. Then working the evening in a training shift. Sending good vibes for tomorrow!! Thankful on Wednesday I only work the evening, therefore I will have time in the morning to get a few things done!!
Until tomorrow!!
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