June went by too fast. I cannot believe tomorrow I turn 28 years old, craziness. This past month flew by. It’s bitter sweet it coming to an end too soon. Looking forward to meeting my little one in just over a month. Hopefully, baby comes sooner. My body is ready. On the other hand my place isn’t so ready (soon – it will be ready very very soon).
At the beginning of June I made eight goals for myself. Confiding this month went by so quickly I will say I didn’t do too bad on my goals. Not great by any means but I did okay. Still have one more days to get some of them done (that’s me lying to myself).
- Having more photos by the end of the month – taking more photos
I did way better this month for taking photos, very proud of myself. Still needs work but doing much better.
2. Drinking more water – really needing to up my daily water intake
Doing better – this is more because of baby wanting the water more than anything.
3. Make enough money to cover ALL my bills by the end of the month
Did not even come close to this one. This being my own fault and no one else. Really needing to figure out my budgeting.
4. Read four books minimum – going to try to go for five or six
Completed one book fully & reading another one right now, over half way done. Hopefully will finish in the next 24 hours.
5. Finish writing all the “Thank you” cards from both of your Baby Showers.
Over half way done. Finishing them up this coming week with my mom and sending them out. Wanting these to go out before baby comes.
6. Finish getting your apartment all set up – almost there.
The comment of “almost there” kills me now. We are not almost there. There is still lots to be done before baby comes. This is priority number one in the next two weeks. Lots to get done.
7. Finish setting up the nursery.
It is not finished….I have worked on it a lot the last few days; still lots come to complete before baby comes. My plan is to have it completed by the end of this long weekend (end of day – Monday, July 1)
8. Get rid of ALL your donation
Donated three/four boxes of items and two bags of clothing. Feeling pretty good about this.
Overall June wasn’t too bad of a month. Just went by too quickly. Looking forward for what July has in store for me. I want to say hopefully it flies by too but at the same time I need it to slow down so I am able to be ready for when baby arrives. Though, I am ready to have baby out in this world. I am very jumpy about this topic right now. Once the nursery is complete I will feel much more ready.
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